I helga var vi enormt effektive. Kransekake, appelsinmarmelade, sylte, lefse og pære- og ingefærmarmelade. I tillegg til at vi tror vi har funnet kjøkkenet til det nye huset og var borte i bursdag!
Her er sylta og lefsa. Vi var enormt fornøyde med sylta. Beste hittil!
Kransekaka var også vår beste hittil. Dette blir en bra jul!
Sorry it's been so quite here for a while, but our heads are spinning with the plans for the new house as well as moving and preparing for the sale of the flat on top of the Christmas preparations. But we were busy this weekend. Made traditional "lunch meat" (sylte) and lefse (flat, soft bread, like tortillas, but made with potatoes) for Christmas.
The meat is made with pigs heads :) Delicious! Rolled up in the lefse, it's the ultimate Christmas breakfast and lunch food!